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Split Shift Stack

Sponsored by Infonavit, the Mexican federal institute for worker's housing, this project is for a 4-story micro-unit building with a commercial ground level and 3 one-story units above. The massing is determined by a split, shift, stack logic of a shotgun shack, modified to the specific needs of the program. The strategy imagines this being applied to the whole block, producing shared terraces along the sidelines of the adjoining properties. As a singular instance, formal liberties have been taken to produce more nuanced sections and private outdoor space.

Rendered as board-formed concrete, a typical local construction method, the striations provide a finer grained regularity against the more bulky shifts in the massing.

project info:

Worker's Housing / Queretaro, Mexico / unbuilt /




project credits:

principals: Ramiro Diaz Granados, RNThomsen Architecture

design development team:

Ramiro Diaz Granados, Russell Thomsen, Manuel Gutierrez de Rueda, Daniel Hapton, AJ Rosales

structural engineer:

J. Oscar Trejo MTZ, Mexico City


BorCam Ingeniera SA.DE.CV, Mexico City

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